The reason many people do not seek help for depression is that they simply do not recognize the symptoms. Listed below are eleven more types of depression. Let me know if I’ve missed any and I’ll be glad to include them.
1) Major Depressive Disorder See below
2) Dysthymic Disorder See below
3) Manic Depression See below
4) Mixed States See below
5) Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – A type of depressive disorder which is characterized by episodes of major depression which reoccur at a specific time of the year (e.g. fall, winter). In the past two years, depressive periods occur at least two times without any episodes that occur at a different time.
6) Post Partum Depression – Major depressive episode that occurs after having a baby. Depressive symptoms usually begin within four weeks of giving birth and can vary in intensity and duration.
7) Atypical Depression (Sub-type of Major Depression or Dysthymia) - Characterized by a temporary improvement in mood in reaction to positive events and two (or more) of the following:
• Increase or decrease in appetite
• Over sleeping
• Heavy feeling in arms or legs
• Long standing pattern of sensitivity to rejection
8) Chronic Depression – Major depressive episode that lasts for at least two years.
9) Double Depression – Someone who has Dysthymia (chronic mild depression) and also experiences a major depressive episode (more severe depressive symptoms lasting at least two weeks).
10) Endogenous Depression – Endogenous means from within the body. This type of depression is defined as feeling depressed for no apparent reason.
11) Situational Depression or Reactive Depression (also known as Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood) – Depressive symptoms developing in response to a specific stressful situation or event (e.g. job loss, relationship ending). These symptoms occur within 3 months of the stressor and lasts no longer than 6 months after the stressor (or its consequences) has ended. Depression symptoms cause significant distress or impairs usual functioning (e.g. relationships, work, school) and do not meet the criteria for major depressive disorder.
12) Agitated Depression – Kind of major depressive disorder which is characterized by agitation such as physical and emotional restlessness, irritability and insomnia, which is the oppo

13) Psychotic Depression – Major depressive episode with psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations (e.g. hearing voices), delusions (false beliefs).
14) Melancholic Depression (Sub-type of Major Depressive Disorder) - Main features of this kind of depression include either a loss of pleasure in virtually all activities or mood does not temporarily improve in response to a positive event. Also, three (or more) of the following are present:
• Depressed mood that has a distinct quality (e.g. different from
feeling depressed when grieving)
• Depression is consistently worse in the morning
• Waking up earlier than usual (at least 2 hours)
• Noticeable excessive movement or slowing down
• Significant decrease in appetite or weight loss
• Feeling excessive or inappropriate guilt
15) Catatonic Depression -
(Sub-type of Major Depressive Disorder) – This type of depression is
characterized by at least two of the following:
• Loss of voluntary movement and inability to react to one's environment
• Excessive movement (purposeless and not in response to one's environment)
• Extreme resistance to instructions/suggestions or unable/unwilling to speak
• Odd or inappropriate voluntary movements or postures (e.g.
repetitive movements, bizarre mannerisms or facial expressions)
• Involuntarily repeating someone’s words or movements in a meaningless way
This looks like a really good list of the different kinds of depression. Sometimes my derpession falls into one category and at other times a different category. I wonder if I'm just susceptible to depression in general. I'd be interested in your thoughts on this.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a physician so I can't say but I would recommend you looking at 'mixed states' 12/20/08. That's what I suffer from. When you swing from depressed to manic as rapidly as I do...you pretty much cover the whole spectrum.
Is it strange that I'm glad to have found this blog? Intense relief.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to put together a blog that will help people understand that depression is a disease. The person that has depression is not 'lazy or down in the dumps' but is suffering from a real disease. If you have anything you'd like me to cover, let me know.
Hello Iam from Perth Western Australia. I have developed a proven method to eliminate depression/emotional stress within seven days with only one session needed. My work is new and cutting edge when it comes to emotional healing. I have also developed a program that eliminates the effects of winter depression which I will be conducting Free trials in America at the beginning of March 2009. For more information how this can help people whoiare suffering from winter depression pls visit my website www.transformational-wellness.com and scroll down to the secition on winter depression. I look forward to hearing from you.Terri
ReplyDelete:) I wouldn't have accused anyone of being 'lazy or down in the dumps.
Sarah J.
ReplyDeleteOf course you wouldn't and I apologize if that impression was given. When I say you I mean ya'll (in the editorial sense). Very few people will call you lazy to your face (except my father-in-law).....but that's another story.