1. A neuron sends a transmitter across the synapse (gap
between neurons) and
2. The next neuron receives it thru a receptor on its surface. When
a matching neurotransmitter and receptor come into contact with each
other, the neurotransmitter locks into the receptor.
3. The receptor then becomes activated.
4. When there are no neurotransmitter molecules around to unlock
the receptors, the receptors remain in a closed or inactive state
5. Free floating neurotransmitters are taken back up by the neuron
that originally released them. This is called reuptake.
SSRIs inhibit (or reduce) the action of reuptake so that there is more serotonin in the synapse
It has been found that there is an association between depression and three
main neurotransmitters:
1. Serotonin,
2. Norepinephrine
3. Dopamine
These three neurotransmitters function within the brain and regulate
1. Reactions to stress
2. Physical drives of
a. sleep
b. appetite
c. sexuality.