I just want to lighten the mood a bit. I've been getting depressed writing this blog. I saw something like this on Nether Region of Earth ll
I've been keeping a list of my own for some time now. If you're my age...60 going on 16 you may find some humor in this list. I hope so. Have fun
I Remember:
1. "Only The Shadow Knows"
2. 15 Cent McDonald Hamburgers
3. 25 Cent A Gallon Gasoline
4. 45 Rpm Records
5. 5 Cent Packs Of Baseball Cards - With A Pink Slab Of Bubble Gum
6. 78 Rpm Records!
7. A Seam In Women’s Hose
8. Alaska And Hawaii Becoming States
9. American Bandstand

10. Armstrong Stepping Onto The Moon
11. Baseball Cards In The Spokes Of A Bicycle
12. Blackjack, Clove, Tutti-Frutti And Teaberry Chewing Gum
13. Pop Bottle Openers
14. Burning Our Trash In The Back Yard
15. Candy Cigarettes
16. Charles Atlas Course,
17. Cigar Bands For Rings
18. Clotheslines
19. Coffee Shops With Tableside Jukeboxes
20. Cooties
21. Cork Pop Guns
22. Duck-Tail Hair
23. Erector Sets
24. Flat Tops,
25. Fly Paper,
26. Going Steady
27. Green Stamps
28. Having A Weapon In School Meant Being Caught With A Slingshot
29. Hi-Fi's
30. Hula Hoops first came out
31. Home Milk Delivery In Glass Bottles With Cardboard Stoppers
32. Home-Made Ice Cream

33. Howdy Doody,
34. Hula Hoops
35. Indian Burn
36. James Dean
37. Lincoln Logs
38. Lost In Space
39. Loud Mufflers
40. Metal Ice Cube Trays With Levers
41. Moon Hubcaps
42. My Three Sons
43. Newsreels Before The Movie
44. Oly-Oly-Axen-Free Free Free
45. One Bathroom Homes
46. Our First TV Set
47. P F Fliers
48. Party Lines
49. Pedal Pushers
50. Penny Candy
51. Penny Loafers
52. Window Air Conditioners
53. Petticoats

54. Rin Tin Tin
55. Roller-Skate Keys
56. Rotary Dial Telephones
57. Roy Rogers
58. Sadie Hawkin’s Dance
59. Sock Hops,
60. Soda Pop Machines That Dispensed Glass Bottles
61. Stick Shifts
62. Studebakers
63. Swamp Coolers
64. 'Swats' In School
65. Steel Taps On Your Shoes
66. Telephone Numbers With A Word Prefix...(Raymond 4-6011).
67. The Hit Parade
68. The Kennedy Assassination
69. The Nelsons
70. The Outhouse At Grandma’s
71. The Worst Embarrassment Was Being Picked Last For A Team
72. Walking To School In The Rain
73. Washtub Wringers
74. Wax Coke-Shaped Bottles With Colored Sugar Water Inside