There are so many people out there that are just like me. They are searching desperately for some solution to the mental anguish they go thru every single day of their lives.
I am by no means and expert on depression but I do know something about it and I planned to do a lot of research and present my findings in layman’s terms. (I used to try to wade into ‘doctor’s speak’ and just wound up discouraged.)
My wife, however, told me that no one is interested in reading something they can get on the internet

I did sort of an unofficial survey to see what my readers’ would prefer. One reader said (in a very nice way) that my blog looked like spam. So I switched to writing about my own experiences and the response seemed very promising.
Now I feel like I’m stuck whining about my depression and hospital stays instead of helping others.
What a conundrum; whine or do something constructive?
What do you think? How can I best help others? That’s my ultimate goal.
Whine about my problems or try to help others with theirs?