I married a sweet, innocent girl 39 years ago and she married depression. She has stood by me these many, many years. She’s been my comfort and the rock I've clung to for almost as long as I can remember. I would gladly lay down my life for her
She has never read my blog so she will never see this. I have a few friends out there and I want them to know how I feel about my life partner. She’s the reason I want to live. I love her
(written by Don Reid)
The Statler Brothers - 1975
I'll go to my grave
Loving you
I'd give all I've saved
Loving you
And when I live again
Even then, it won't end
For I'll go to my grave
Loving you
Oh to stay this way forever
There's nothing I wouldn't give
I'll prove to you daily what a man really is
I'll lay down my life
Loving you
I'd work day & night
Loving you
And when God calls us both above
Honey you'll know that you've been loved
For I'll go to my grave
Loving you
I love you Sherry