There are so many people out there that are just like me. They are searching desperately for some solution to the mental anguish they go thru every single day of their lives.
I am by no means and expert on depression but I do know something about it and I planned to do a lot of research and present my findings in layman’s terms. (I used to try to wade into ‘doctor’s speak’ and just wound up discouraged.)
My wife, however, told me that no one is interested in reading something they can get on the internet

I did sort of an unofficial survey to see what my readers’ would prefer. One reader said (in a very nice way) that my blog looked like spam. So I switched to writing about my own experiences and the response seemed very promising.
Now I feel like I’m stuck whining about my depression and hospital stays instead of helping others.
What a conundrum; whine or do something constructive?
What do you think? How can I best help others? That’s my ultimate goal.
Whine about my problems or try to help others with theirs?
I don't see that is has to be one or the other. What about both? I was in a very bad place when I started blogging. (Not to say I'm in a great place now-- but I'm a hundred percent better. I couldn't talk to anyone without crying-- I really wanted to die. I wrote and cried and complained and tried to help myself and others by sharing my stories. I have learned since that through sharing I have helped others and I know it has helped me. My suggestion is to do what feels right for you.
ReplyDeleteWhen I started blogging it was all about the troubles my mom and I have run into dealing with my grandmother's depression. That was what was consuming me at the time. I like you wanted to inform others that may be going through the same thing of some of the pitfalls we faced and how they could possibly avoid them.
But that is not all that I blog about. I blog on several different topics as you know. I think you have to go with what you know. You know what has happened to you and how you are dealing with it. That is your song. I don't consider it whining and complaining as much as I consider it a window into which so very few of us get to peer into. By reading about your trials, we all may be able to view the people in our lives that suffer from this with very different eyes.
As far as how your blog looks: It is YOUR blog. Design the way you like. Put photos, widgets, whatever that you like on there. I have all kinds of junk on mine and I don't care if it looks like spam or sounds like you are sitting in Sunday services:)
I think that what you have posted in the past has been informative,insightful and personal. To me that is a good mix.
So my advice to you is write in the style you are most comfortable writing in that day.
I do like your new layout!
ReplyDeleteSomething you said struck a responsive cord with me. I used to get emotionally choked up over the smallest things. For a macho male (LOL) it was hard to cry in front of, say, my son. I like the idea of writing about both. I just have to figure out how now.
ReplyDeleteSing my own song?........I like that. It seems that you and Tricia concur. You two are among my most faithful readers so I will try to go with what you say and take it day by day.
Thank you so much
Just keep writing from your heart. People want to feel connected or that they are not alone. I would think your blog should have a sense of empathy at its core.
ReplyDeleteThanks Josef.
ReplyDeleteI should have known that 'writing from the heart' was the way to go. I appreciate you articulating it for me. Now comes the hard part: to actually do it!
From the bottom of my heart - I think it’s great what you’re doing here.
ReplyDeleteIt touches me on a personal level because I was diagnosed with depression just three weeks ago. I should’ve gone to the doctor sooner, but at least now I’ve done it. So now I’m on drugs. Next step on my list is to get an appointment with a psychologist. But how does one go about doing that? What does one talk about the first time? I’m actually quite nervous about this shrink ordeal. If you have any experience with this I would sure love your input :D