My doctor’s office called this morning to tell me I needed to come back in and give more blood. I thought nothing of it and just took two hours out of my day to go and give more blood.
What the heck! If your doctor says he needs or wants something you just assume he has a very good reason for asking.
It was the lab technician that let the cat out of the bag. When she was prepping my arm to draw my blood she apologized for putting half my last sample in the freezer instead of the refrigerator.
She did say, however, that they were able to get my Lithium and vitamin D levels.
“You’re not even taking Lithium at all are you? Your levels are so low they barely register.”

“No. I’ve been waiting for my blood tests to be sent to my psych,” I said thru clenched teeth.
“I’m sorry. It will only be a few more days,” she returned.
So here I sit. The hospital won’t send my records and my doctor freezes my blood, while I get crazier by the moment.
That’s all I have to say for now.