I depend on Lithium to control my depression, but since the hospital episode I'm afraid to take it. (See previous post)
I can't sink back into the hell of depression. I can't. I won't.
This is what I found out about overdosing on Lithium. I was experiencing most of the symptoms. Why didn't my psych spot them?
* Abnormal heart rhythms
* Breathing difficulties (x)
* Coma (x)
* Concentration difficulties (x)
* Confusion (x)
* Convulsions
* Drowsiness (x)

* Diarrhea (x)
* Increased thirst (x)
* Increased urine output
* Low blood pressure (x)
* Loss of appetite
* Muscle twitching (x)
* Rash
* Seizures
* Sluggishness (x)
* Slurred speech (x)
* Stupor (lack of alertness) (x)
* Tremors (x)
* Vomiting
* Weakness (x)
* Uncoordinated movement (x)
My ? is if you have just had an extreme case of Lithium poisoning, are they wanting you to go back on it, at what dose, and how often are you going to have levels taken?
ReplyDeleteYou know what the problem now is, half the battle is won. the ? is how are you going to take care of yourself and get what you need safely?
you need to inform yourself, ask ?'s, and if u don't get the answer you like or don't get one, *find* someone that will. this is your life here.
Ask your know it all Dr. how he would treat you if you were a member of his family or even him or her.
Dr. may know medicine, and you need them for that, *never forget* you are in your body and *you* are the expert on you.
Don't settle, Your answers are out there, find them.
I know for me, If I was still listening to the dr.'s, and not ?ing *EVERYTHING* that they do I would be dead.
if you have to take some one who has *your* best interest at heart. they can ,mess with both of you and they can feed both of you a line, there is strenght in #'s and if they won't let you bring that person find some other dr.
You are the consumer and the most important thing, don't let them forget that!
hang in there buddy, I still have med issues, and I lost my mind the last time they messed with them in sept of last year.
you know where I am if you have ?'s.
you are doing is the right thing!
the can's are suppose to be can't, sorry,
ReplyDeleteWhat is deplorable about your situation and many others is that YOU have to be your own Dr. I am finding this more and more prevalent in our society. Your Dr. should have recognized these symptoms and performed tests or questioned you about your meds. The fact that this never occurred to him/her is simply unacceptable.
ReplyDeleteI hope that you have an opportunity to discuss this with your Dr. in depth and that he/she is cognizant of the lack of attention on their part.
I know how hard it is to find a Dr. that is knowledgeable and considerate of you as a person.
Unfortunately, by going to your Dr. and questioning their decision or lack there of, you run the risk of dealing with their "god" complex or they can become defensive of their decision or lack of thereof. I will be praying for you and your Dr. as you undertake this task. I know from past experience that you will find out just what kind of Dr. they really are and that knowledge will allow you to make any necessary changes you need to make.
I know how dreadful facing something like this can be. The emotions can run high before and after the meeting. I find that if I write it down before I meet with them, I am able to get some of my anxiety out and I can approach them in a more calm way because I left the emotional baggage on paper at the cross.
I hope you are able to resolve this in a way that will calm your fears and make your Dr. aware of the fact that you are informed of your medical situation and expect them to be also.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm still on Lithium.....at half dose but I can already feel the depression creeping back. I really don't know what to do........risk depression or risk death...I think I would prefer death......I don't know.....I'm confused
ReplyDeleteDo you know the difference between most doctors and God?
God knows He's not a doctor
Sherry and I are working thru this.........keep us in your prayers
Darrel, I recently heard where St. John's Wort is having good results at easing depression. It might be something to discuss with your doctor ... perhaps with the lower dosage of lithium, it would give you the boost you need.
ReplyDeleteSmall Footprints
ReplyDeletei hate to say this but have you tried Lithium? In reduced amounts of course. It is the only thing that has helped me in 30 years. I'm facing a real conundrum. Depression ....or.....risk of coma. I'd really rather die than go back into depression.
I really think for individuals like you and me..........we need to find the chemical that will balance us out..........But how to do that is an imponderable question.
Just don't give up...............PLEASE
ReplyDeleteI'm in Kansas..........the only one with knowledge in Lithium is the Dr who prescribed it. I have another followup in Aprial
I really don't know what to do. I don't want to give up Lithium..................It brought me out of a deep depression
Glad that you are ok now, darrel.
ReplyDeleteI was rather shocked reading your previous post!
Since you are going for a followup in April, maybe the doc have something else good for you... Take care and rest well!
ReplyDeleteSt John's Wort and Sam E have both been used in Europe for many years. They have just recently been introduced to the States (several years ago) I think they are for cases of mild to moderate depression. I tried them both but they didn't work for me.
Thanks for the advice though and thanks for caring
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I really appreciate your caring. We'll get it straightened out somehow. The problem is....I NEED Lithium to keep the depression at bay
Xanax is known throughout as an effective minor tranquilizer and the use of xanax tranquilizers or xanax-like tranquilizers, such as Ativan, Klonopin, valium et al in according to the instructions provided by the doctor, can be helpful for you to combat anxiety and panic attacks. Altogether, it is worth mentioning here that the short term use of Xanax and similar other tranquilizers can be soothing but opting for xanax and other tranquilizers for a long term basis can prove to be detrimental for health.http://www.xanax-effects.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice. I mentioned it to my psych yesterday and he agreed. I'm on 2mg three times a day. He did a lot of blood work to see what we could do about getting back on Lithium since it worked so well for such a long time.
Thanks again
Dear Darrel,
ReplyDeleteI would not even dare make an expert comment on either depression or medication as I am quite an illiterate in that area. However, I am in close quarters with depression through the lady I am interviewing and writing about. In her case, sometimes, I do agree that she needs to weep it out of her system as her past was rather very unpleasant. She's on Zoloft. But, that's not what's helping her (in her own words), It's the talking and venting and opening up to others that's helping her. I don't know if it holds any water but I have seen a slight change in her. Especially, confidence. Confidence about her own self. That she's worth a happy life.
I have witnessed another friend fight depression and succeed. He was so down and out that he wanted to kill himself. Has two kids and a beautiful, loving wife. He was visiting a psychiatrist and a therapist and was put on several pills. One day, he decided, enough is enough. I am going to kick Mr. Depression's depressed arse and quit all the medication at once. Was not a very brave thing to do (there is a fine line between brave and stupid but dare I call him the latter, his wife certainly did). He divorced the psychiatrist but kept the therapist for he loved talking for hours with her. He started confiding in a close friend. Quiting medication cold turkey had it's own effect but momentarily. Now, he's a healthy, happy man. He's back to his job. I will write more about him later as my comment is looking more like a novel.
Thank you very much for leaving a wonderful comment on my blog. I appreciate it!