
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Circumstances of my Death

I don't know if I've posted this already but I guess I want people to know;

Let me tell you of the circumstances of my death
I died in the summer of 1975
I was 27 years old and was a very successful production manager. I had about 100 employees. I had a private office on the mezzanine. I used to look out my window and wonder if this was what I was going to do the rest of my life. Was I going to spend the rest of my life watching other people work?
I decided to sit down and set some goals for the rest of my life. If I could do anything I wanted, what would I do?

The goals I finally settled on and wrote down were:

1. I want to teach others how to lead successful Christian lives
2. I want to be involved with pubic speaking
3. I want to be financially independent
4. I want my income to be residual

.... i. I had seen so many Christians who equated poverty with piety. I wanted ..... to teach them that God wants us to be prosperous
.... ii. I had found out from taking the Dale Carnegie course in public speaking ..... that I had a real knack for public speaking
.... iii. I wanted the financial success that I was going to teach about
.... iv. I thought a residual income would maybe be a book

I finished my Bachelor’s Degree and picked up my new family and moved them to Ft Worth where I could pursue a Master’s degree in Christian Education. I figured if anyone could teach me the secrets of Christian success, it would be a Seminary
I tried time and again to get into something that would allow me to fulfill my goals. Nothing worked. Finally after five years I gave up, came back to Wichita, got my old job back and died inside
Maybe you could say I took the poison when I was 27 and died when I was 32.

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